3 important considerations when planning to sell your business. It’s common knowledge when business owners reach retirement age that they lack a workable exit strategy. This is a step-by-step guide to help you get your company ready for sale while steering clear of any possible pitfalls. When getting ready to sell your company, bear these three points in mind.
Depending on the owner, this may entail selling to a third party or passing the business on to the next generation of the family.
The good news is that you can manage the financial aspects of exiting. Especially, if you want to sell and must find a buyer for your business. Many owners wait to deal with this issue until they are ready to move forward. Often, this causes one to feel stuck. It is not uncommon for the search for the ideal buyer to take three to five years. It’s important to keep in mind that, regardless of a company’s worth, the selling process can take a while. Here are three strategies to start planning your exit in order to do so on your terms:
1. Establish a timeline in advance.
The best time to decide how and when to sell your business is when you’re at the top of your game and not when you’re starting to slow down. Most business owners are most likely in their early 50s. They are not yet ready to retire but have plenty of experience to get the job done.
Having a timeframe will help you make decisions in the interim and give the sale a clear structure.
2. Specify who the buyer is.
A crucial part of preparing your business for sale involves finding a possible buyer. As was previously mentioned, this is a lengthy process that should involve thoroughly vetting prospective purchasers to see if their values, objectives, and ideas for the performance and culture of the company coincide with yours. This is a drawn-out process that needs to be carefully considered. In this manner, you may guarantee that the business is run in your style even after your departure. (This still applies if you’re giving the reins to a close friend or family member.)
3. Consider the how carefully.
Once you have found your buyer, it is critical to think about how the deal will be financed. One possibility is that your buyer has enough cash on hand or bank financing to buy your company entirely, which is fantastic! However, another possibility is that the buyer lacks enough capital (either owned or borrowed) to finance the deal in a single transaction. Instead, you will complete an installment sale in which you agree to the buyer’s repeated payments to you.
These three steps can help you proceed in a way that assures you obtain the best financial result. This result can be good for yourself and for future generations of your family. Preparation is key to success, regardless of the path you choose, the value of your company, or the timing of your exit.
Furthermore, allowing yourself more time to get ready can lessen the emotional toll of departing. When the time comes, it will therefore feel less unexpected and more like a seamless transition into a joyful and carefree life after becoming a business owner.