What better way to kick off the summertime than with C2 Montreal? C2 Montreal is a 3 day event that will transform the way you view the business and entrepreneurship world. Finding one word or way to describe what C2 is would probably be impossible. Any label you would choose to use would not do the event justice. It is not simply a networking event, a speaker series or a showcase. C2 Montreal is said to be a cross between commerce and creativity. Every year, thousands of decision makers, entrepreneurs, and creative minds get together to shape, experience and challenge the future of business. This event is the perfect example to showcase Montreal’s entrepreneurial spirit. This year is the 5th annual C2 event. C2, summed up, can best be described as easy access to exclusive knowledge.
Braindates: In what other setting would you be able to schedule a braindate with the senior director of a multinational corporation? C2’s goal is to reinvent the way people network. Traditional networking often entails nervousness about forced conversation. C2 Montreal has come up with a unique way for businesspeople to converse and share their thoughts. Braindates are meetings that event-goers can schedule with other participants thought the customized event application. A few weeks prior to the event participants get an email introducing them to the app and encouraging them to schedule braindates based on their experiences and expertise. At the event participants are introduced to their braindates by event matchmakers.
Words of wisdom: Every year C2 invites panels of experienced speakers of different industries at their annual event. This year speakers include highly acclaimed individuals, such as Steve Wozniak, Ian Bernstein, Muhammad Yunnus and Amanda Hill. Every edition of C2 has its own theme. Based on the theme at hand, event organizers invite a handful of motivational speakers to share their stories and teachings.
Workshops and Masterclasses: C2 offers hands on experience in given fields by offering workshops and masterclasses. These sessions will help participants put their knowledge into play. These 70-90 minute sessions not only offer an additional opportunity to network with different people, participants are able to find new ways to apply their knowledge through sets of various exercises. Thought-provoking challenges are presented by experts, speakers and executives from top brands such as Ernst & Young, Twitter, The Globe & Mail, etc. Examining real-life cases, playing challenging games, and analyzing existing corporate projects will be sure to teach you more than you bargained for.
Whether you to dedicate your days to braindates, key-note speakers, or masterclasses, one thing is for sure, you will leave C2 Montreal with more knowledge than you had coming in. PME strongly believes that such events are what makes Montreal such a great city to start your business. As a matter of fact, every year, the Bronfman Foundation sends a number of entrepreneurs to this event through the Emerging Entrepreneurs Contest. All business owners should make it a point to attend C2 Montreal. Such diversity, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit can be hard to replicate elsewhere.
ProMontreal Entrepreneurs (PME) is a social business model created to help young entrepreneurs build and strengthen their business roots in Montreal. PME offers business plan feedback, a network of mentors, and access to sources of funding. Entrepreneurs between the ages of 18-40 can also get access to capital of up to $50,000. Don’t hesitate to contact us for any questions that you may have.