I am asked a lot of questions. Aside from “where do I get money to fund my start-up?”, the second most-asked question is: “where do I find a co-founder?” It is a difficult question to answer, because it’s not just about someone who will share in the work, which at the beginning can seem insurmountable. It is also someone who will have to share your passion and your commitment to seeing the idea through. I’ve been a victim of partnering with a friend. In the end, it didn’t work because he just wasn’t committed enough to the project. It changed our friendship.
Now for the million dollar question, where can you find a co-founder? My answer is always the same: you find a co-founder when you least expect it. When talking about your business idea in an informal setting: over drinks, over dinner. It works best when it’s not forced. Then, it just happens; that magical moment when it just clicks. It’s really as simple as that. Sure, there are websites that promise that they can help you find a co-founder but personality and work ethic is so important, I think that meeting someone in an informal setting and seeing how this person interacts with others and with you, is the best way. You find other commonalities that transcend a business relationship, which in my opinion is very important. Remember you will spend so many hours together and make complicated decisions together so if the personalities don’t fit, it won’t work.